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The kingdom of God is at hand - please touch.

Peaceful Childhood



The Method:


- Christian contemplative spirituality

- Biblical stories, sacred rhythms and liturgical year

- Montessori-informed & child-led

- Nature play, art and handwork 

- Intercultural & intergenerational community of lifelong learners

- Whole-person spiritual formation (bio-spiritual focusing)



Home-based playgroup that nurtures the spirit of the child. 

Mon - Fri 9-12 toddler playgroup (2-6y)  (drop off)

Tue 12-1pm parent-toddler playgroup (1-4y and parent)
Thu  3-4pm kids playgroup 6-12y 

Join us from where ever you are! 


Spiritual Childhood Online Course (8 week self-study course)

| A child-led approach to spiritual nurturing 


Spiritual Parent/ Educator 2hr retreat

Spiritual Home / Classroom 2hr retreat

Felt-Sense Parenting all day retreat 



Monthly Peaceful Childhood Circles 90-min retreat-like online community gathering 


Whole Family Retreat / Camp 


Free resources


Links and external resources 


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