Free Printable prayer Guides

Welcome to our free digital prayer library. All printable guides have been designed to nurture you and your family's life with God through curious listening and playful prayer. Read more about the guides and their creators, Kaisa (author) and Tiina (illustrator) here.
We would love to hear about your prayer experiences with the guides! Please share your experience, photos, and feedback via the contact form below or post and tag @KutsuCompanions on your Instagram photos and stories.
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The resources are free of charge. However, if you have enjoyed them, and want to support our work of creating resources like these, you can make a donation of any amount via the button below.

Silence Experiment
Our lives continue to be clouded by noise and busyness (whether it is on screens or in-person). Try this 5-minute silence experiment with a child or alone at any time. This simple practice is also a great way to become still before a spiritual direction appointment or other prayerful conversation.
Tips for Online SD
If you or your child either are currently meeting with a spiritual director or planning to, this info sheet is designed to help you to prepare for your online spiritual direction appointment. I wonder if these tips might help you in other on screen meetings as well? What would you add?

Peace Beads
Peace Beads prayer guide is inspired by Ignatian prayer of examen. It will guide you to review your day with God using creative prompts and art. You can use this prayer guide with beads or without them. This free guide includes an expansive list of questions that can be used to deepen the practice of daily or seasonal prayer of examen.

Mary's Treasure
Art Contemplation is a lovely way to engage our senses and imagination in prayer. I am pleased to share this beautiful art contemplation resource with you. It can be a nice prayer practice to share with a small group or do on your own. Make yourself your favorite holiday drink, light the advent candle, take out your journal and enjoy the silence.

7 Keywords of Pilgrim
Hans-Erik Lindström, a Swedish veteran pilgrim and priest, summarizes the word pilgrimage with seven keywords. Each keyword has also been attributed with a symbol. You can find my illustrations in the attachment below. Use the images and question prompts with all ages as you talk about what you like about walking with God and observing nature.

Praying with Body
This free digital resource includes four prayer practices that help you to listen to your body with God. Illustrated body outlines (both child and adult) help you to grow in the awareness of the physical sensations of your body and what God might be speaking to you through them. One of the prayer guides combines breath prayer with essential oils.

Children Love Silence
We created this e-guide and printable to help you nurture prayerful silence in the lives of children. In this illustrated resource I share tips for creating a peaceful sacred space that invites prayerful listening, as well as five printable posters and door hangers to signal "quiet zone."

DIY Prayer Garland
This hand painted printable art illustrates beautifully the prayer Jesus taught his disciples. The download can be used to make unique paper or fabric garlands. Use the art prints as a coloring prayer, or trace the art on fabric to create stunning keepsake embroidery or painted prayer garlands.
Path of Peace
Path of Peace digital guide includes four guided prayers: Prayer Labyrinth, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina and Terra Divina, as well as conversation tools, imaginative prayer prompts and visuals. This timeless resource is ideal for those who want to experience ancient contemplative prayer practices in a playful and creative way, either alone or with others.

Word for the Year
I created this workbook together with Kristi Johnson, my fellow spiritual director, soul care retreat co-leader and a dear friend. The workbook includes four creative spiritual practices that will help you to receive your word for the year and reflection questions and ideas for using your word.
We would love for you to tell others about the resources if you have found them helpful. Please share the link to this site instead of sending the resources as attachments directly yourself. Thank you.
*The free digital resources are designed for your personal and educational use only. Kutsu Companions reserves all rights to the content of the guides. No part of the content may be reproduced, sold, or published in any form or by any means (including but not limited to digital platforms) without author's written permission. Read more about copyrights, liability, terms and conditions here.