Mobile Apps
Pray-as-you-go Guided imaginative audio prayers, online prayer retreats, examen prayer
Bidden onderweg (Dutch alike to Pray-as-you-go)
The Bible App The Bible in several languages, reading plans, devotional plans, daily verses
Sacred Space Guided prayers
Abide App Christian guided meditations
EnneaApp Enneagram Mobile Guide
Prayer Resources
Ignatian Spirituality Prayer exercises, daily examen, online prayer retreats, resources on discernment
Pathways to God Prayer resources by Jesuits in Britain
Gravity Center a Center for Contemplative Activism: prayer practices, events, retreats, Enneagram
Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) Daily Prayers, training, and more
Sacred Ordinary Days Tactile prayer tools, liturgical year planner etc.
God Space Garden spirituality, Celtic spirituality, etc.
Cobble Works Illustrated spiritual stories and tools
Scott Erickson Art Contemporary icon art and visual spiritual tools
Alabaster Creativity as spiritual practice
Holy Yoga Healing and worship through movement
Creating to Love Artistic prayer resources & author of the Examen Journal
Soul Care Ministries
Transforming Center Soul Care resources for Christian leaders and their churches
Restoring the Soul Interviews with soul care professionals on spiritual and psychological wellbeing
Grafted Life Ministries Spiritual Directors Network
The Spiritual Directors of Color (SDC) Network, Ltd.
ReNew Support for Christian leaders
Praxis Soul care cohort for pastors and faith leaders in Denver
Vineyard Pilgrimage Spiritual formation tools and community for Christian leaders and pastors.
Thrive Ministry Wholistic care for globally serving women (from US & Canada).
Resources for Nurturing Children's Spirituality
Stories of God at Home
Imaginative Prayer
Prayer Spaces in Schools
International Association of Children's Spirituality
Coming Home
Holy Listening Stones
We Wonder (Guided Audio Prayers for Children)
Kutsu Companions' Pinterest Boards "Whole-Person Prayer" and "Picture Books".